

It's almost impossible for me to muster up the joy, love and positive energy Blossie and I so deeply want to sprinkle onto the planet, with all the sadness, hurt and outrage we see right now in our country.

It feels totally incongruent to be funny or joyful when so many people are hurting.

Saturday night at about 11:30 pm, to avoid scaring the shit out of my fur children or my neighbors, I jumped in my car and drove for about 15 minutes while screaming and screaming at the top of my lungs. I could no longer contain my rage and utter despair over what is being spewed on the airwaves. And I’m white. The depth of pain and outrage in my black brothers and sisters is unfathomable to me. Nothing happened in my immediate surroundings to warrant this reaction, yet EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING PEOPLE!!!

Rather than indulging in another white person boo hoo, Blossie and I want to register our complete support of the players in the NBA, WNBA, MLB, MLS and NHL who have taken a stand and suspended their games to call attention to all this insanity.... insanity some people seem to be ridiculously invested in denying. 

Can we please return to some degree of Civility? Compassion? Kindness? 

My heart hurts.

Ilene Starr

Ilene Starr was born in Los Angeles, California, escaped to the Pacific Northwest in 2012 and has never looked back.

At the tender age of 61-3/4 years, after dreaming about having her own dog for decades, Ilene finally got her first dog when Blossum, basset hound, landed in her life and changed everything.

Ilene and Blossum’s first collaboration was a blog called Blossum the Divine Dog, a travelogue of profound, hilarious and deeply touching experiences which occurred in Portland, Oregon during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Then the book, Blossum the Divine Dog, took shape.

Blossum The Divine Dog may be summed up like this: “How I survived the Covid-19 pandemic guided by a gifted basset hound who possesses a wacky sense of humor, a reverent spirituality and lots of opinions. “

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